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Political Science

Websites for Polls and Opinions


American Atittudes: Americans and the World
A joint program of the University of Maryland and the Center on Policy Attitudes (COPA), the website conducts polls of Americans on foreign policy issues. The site provides articles analyzing and displaying the poll results. The poll results are browseable by global issue or by region. A search engine is also available to search the article content.

Latin American Public Opinion Project
From Vanderbilt University, a website featuring surveys and reports on public opinion of people in the Americas on democracy and democratic values. The site offers reports and journal articles, as well as the questionnaires given to each population. The reports can be accessed by country, while the data can be accessed through online querying systems. 

World Public 
From the Program on International Policy Attitudes of the University of Maryland, a website providing global polling results on international policy issues. The site contains articles analyzing and displaying the poll results. Users can browse these articles by topic or by the region polled. A search engine is also available to search the article content.