If you select "Articles" as a format in your results screen, you will restrict your results to articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers. Results are sorted by Library with articles available in the Ely Library collections listed first. If you wish, you may change the way the results are sorted to "Best Match". This will list the most relevant articles first. However, keep in mind that some of the results that appear may not be owned by Ely Library and will require an Interlibrary Loan request and a processing wait time (more information below).

Articles available in Ely Library will be marked "Westfield State University Ely Library." Click title links to see more information about any articles. For articles available online, you will see a button labelled "View full text". The full record will also have an indication listing the database in which the article was found.

Some of the articles may not be available in the Ely Library collections. Articles not available in the Ely Library's collections may be requested through Interlibrary Loan. Click the blue button labelled "Request Item through Interlibrary Loan" to fill out a form to request the article (most articles will be emailed to you as a PDF within 3 to 5 days.