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Library Strategic Planning: Workshop 3: Strategic Plan with action plan

Workshop 3 Agenda

Friday, October 28, 10am - Noon, Library Classroom
Action plan
The Action Plan is where our more abstract understanding of opportunities, problems, and solutions are made concrete. The action plan is composed of projects to achieve specific, measurable goals in each of the strategic priority areas. In this third workshop we will identify these projects, the resources needed to complete them, and tentative timelines for benchmarks and completion. All of this is done in the context of creating a living, adaptable document that will allow us to take advantage of opportunities when they arise and adapt to unforseen challenges.
For each priority area identified in the previous meeting, one or more goals:
  • What (measurable goal/outcome)
  • When (benchmark and completion dates)
  • Who (who is responsible)
  • How (human and financial resources required and allocated)
  • November 26: Director shares draft plan with staff and librarians
  • December 7: Librarian and staff comments and corrections due. Some follow-up on specifics of projects can be expected.
  • December 14: Final version completed and distributed. While this is labeled "final" the plan will be a living document, changeable upon subsequent review.

Plan versions. This is a living document so please note version dates