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Library Strategic Planning: Website Revision Committee

Website Revision Committee Proposal Materials

Meeting 2, April 4, 2023


  1. Update on progress
  2. Gather feedback from working group on website objectives
  3. Gather feedback from working group on website strengths and weaknesses
  4. Inform working group of Andrea's next steps

Meeting 1, Wednesday March 1, 2023


  1. Welcome and review of objectives of the group
  2. Establish tentative timeline.
  3. Update on Springshare consultation services


7.4.1 Updating the Library Website
Description: The Library website has aged and devolved into a disjointed collection of resources that need to be reorganized to better meet the needs of users and library staff.

Measurable outcomes: The completion of a mid-fidelity wireframe; the completion of a beta site; usability testing; final implementation.

Responsibility: Library Website Working Group: Andrea Puglisi (Chair), Lori Carrier, Anna Boutin-Cooper, Amber Monroe, Brian Hubbard, and Kate Sheely

Timeline: The working group’s first task will be to establish a realistic timeline for the
achievement of the measurable outcomes.

Resources: Since we will remain on our existing SpringShare platform, the main resource required will be the time of the working group members. Additional possible resources could include outside consulting or expertise as necessary.

Strategic Priority Area description

Strategic Priority 5.4 Technology
The Library provides an array of technology platforms to bring information and assistance to our users and facilitate staff workflows. Data communication and interoperability are a challenge at all libraries, but our library provides a relatively “well-seamed” (rather than seamless) experience. Library technology platforms go through regular cycles of adoption, modification, and eventually decommissioning or overhaul. During the planning process, concern was expressed for both the user and staff experience in relation to our discovery layer, integrated library system, and website. Opportunities exist to examine and possibly select an ILS that better suits our needs and those of our users and might help us integrate efforts with peer institutions. The library website is hosted on the SpringShare LibGuides platform, and opportunities exist for improvement within that system. Related to the outreach strategic priority, the library must improve the user experience of technology in the library facility through collaboration with technology support, provision of independent technology support, or a combination of both. During the height of the pandemic, it became clear how students of color and first-generation students are disproportionately disadvantaged in their access to technology. This strategic priority area supports the University Strategic Plan in Resources and Student Engagement.