Text from Strategic Plan:
Description: The current Collection Development Policy is out of date and in need of significant revision as a Collection and Content Policy. Changes in formats, needs, and access methods have blurred disciplinary distinctions as well as distinctions between monographs, databases, serials, media, and other resources. Moreover, increased challenges to collections across the country necessitate a clearer commitment to the integrity of collections. The policy will describe the population and curriculum the library serves. It will include a general statement regarding the overarching objectives of the collection. It will establish priorities for acquisition and deaccessioning of collections and content, based on those overarching objectives. The Policy will describe responsibilities for managing the collection, including selection, deselection, and allocation of funding. It will address issues of intellectual freedom, integrity of the collection, and challenges to the collection. The Policy will also address the role of consortia, inter-library loan, patron-driven acquisition, open access materials, and cooperative purchasing in the context of fiscal efficiency in the achievement of its objectives. Recognizing that a “policy” in our institutional context will be relatively static, the Policy will refer out to procedures and guidelines that exist alongside the Policy, as appropriate. This description of what the policy will contain and address may be modified by the working group.
Measurable outcomes: Approval of the Policy through the governance process.
Responsibility: A working group of three librarians/staff will be established.
Timeline: The working group will establish a timeline for the submission of the draft policy to AUC.
Resources: This project will require mainly the time of the participants in the group. The group may apply for budget on an ad hoc basis.
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