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Education Resources Center: Course Related Help


My dad gave me one dollar bill
"Cause I'm his smartest son,
And I swapped it for two shiny quarters
"Cause two is more than one!

And then I took the quarters
and traded them to Lou
For three dimes--I guess he don't know
That three is more than two!

Just then, along came old blind Bates
And just 'cause he can't see
He gave me four nickels for my three dimes,
And four is more than three!

And I took the nickels to Hiram Coombs
Down at the seed-feed store,
And the fool gave me five pennies for them,
And five is more than four!

And then I went and showed my dad,
And he got red in the cheeks
And closed his eyes and shook his head-
Too proud of me to speak!

By: Shel Silverstein

From: Math Poems

Multicultural authors & works

Use the Quicksearch Advanced Search to find more multicultural children's fiction. 

  • For picture books type in NU: PZ1000* as a keyword (Substitute PZ7* for chapter books). 
  • On the next search bar, enter a group's name as key words such as Korean Americans or Caribbean

Life Skills

The ERC has many items that will assist you in the planning and implementation of life skills lessons and unit plans.

Try searching with these terms: coping, emotions, and high interest low vocabulary.  Remember to limit the location to the ERC.  The ERC also has games and kits that can be used for this assignment.  To get a list of the games and kits that are available, limit the location to curriculum center, limit the material type to kits and type THE into the search box.

Books on disabilities

To search for books about disabilities you may try a few different ways.  You could type in disabilities as a keyword and B8: Education Resources Collection to limit to the ERC.  Better yet is a search on a specific disability limited to the ERC.   Remember if the disability has an acronym, try both the acronym and the full name.  For example: ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Leveled Reading

The library has some books that discuss leveled reading and have book lists:

Literacy Profiles    ERC Leveled Readers Cabinet 

The Fountas and Pinnell leveled book list K-8          ERC Leveled Readers Cabinet 

Guided reading: good first teaching for all children      ERC LB1573 .F64 1996

Guiding readers and writers, grades 3-6          ERC LB1576 .F65 2001

Leveled books (K-8): matching texts to readers for effective teaching      ERC Leveled Readers Cabinet 

Matching books to readers: using leveled books in guided reading, K-3      ERC  LB1573 .F641 1999

Leveled Readers

Use the Ely Library Quicksearch Keyword Search (enter: Leveled Readers) to receive a list of all Leveled Readers in this collection.  You will find Fountas & Pinnell levels A through T.

For upper level readers, browse the ERC Stack for the call number:  PZ900.  Levels will be listed at the end of the call numbers.

There are also some good websites on leveled reading.