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Education Resources Center: Mathematics Education (K - 12)

Westfield State University, Ely Library Curriculum Collection

Mathematics Picture Books

Mathematics Education Web Sites

Searching for items in the Education Resources Center

Materials in the Education Resources Center include: books, big books, games, unit plans, textbooks, lesson plans, activity books, and kits that you can borrow and use to enrich and add interest to lesson plans and classes you will teach as a student teacher.

To search for materials in the ERC, follow these simple instructions.

From the Ely Library QuickSearch:

  • Click on the drop-down box next to the search box.
  • Select Education Resources Center.
  • If you know a title you would like to find, type it in "quotation marks" in the search box.
  • Otherwise, type in the topics of your search such as "Multiplication" or "Geometry" in the search box

Using Mathematics Tools