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Education Resources Center: EDUC 309 (Prof. Marion)

Story Characters

Professional Associations

So you need to do an Author Study?

You just got your assignment and lo and behold, you need to create an author study.  You say that you've never created an author study before?  Well,  there are many books and websites you can use to help you along.

Children's Literature Databases

Searching for Author Information in the Educational Resources Center

Materials in the Educational Resources Center can provide you with information to flesh out what you find online: books by your author, books about your author, biographical information, classroom activity ideas, lesson plans, and more that you can borrow and use to enrich and add interest to lesson plans and classes you conduct as a student teacher.

To search for materials in the ERC, follow these simple instructions.

From the Ely Library QuickSearch (see below for link):

  • Click on Advanced Search under the search box.
  • In the “Keyword” box, type in B8:education resources collection
  • To look for information about an author, change the drop down box to Subject and type in your author's last name.
  • To find more books by your author, change the drop down box to Author and type in your author's last name.
  • To find a biography about your author, type "biography" in a keyword search box.

NOTE:  Some authors used pseudonyms when writing!  (Make sure you know both names and search on both if that is the case.)

What is a Picture Book?

New York Public Library: Children's Lit Blog