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Environmental Science

Environmental Science Resources

Environmental Science Databases

Follow these instructions to add links to "Find it@Westfield State" to Google Scholar:

Identifying a Primary Source Research Article

Not all articles in scholarly journals are primary source research articles. The following bullet list can help you in identifying the primary source materials

  • New and original experiment - the study featured in the article presents a new and original experiment (or a follow-up of a previous experiment with revised variables)
  • More than a review – the article is not just summarizing, analyzing, or drawing conclusions from existing research, but features the aforementioned new experiment and results
  • Authors conducted the study - the authors of the article are the ones who conducted the study / experiment featured in the article
  • Methods/Methodology section - the article features a methods or methodology section which describes exactly how the study/experiment was conducted
  • Published in an academic/scientific journal – the study is published for the first time, appearing in an academic/scholarly/scientific journal

Newspapers Databases

City and town websites

Search government websites to locate legislation, reports, and more. Use Google to locate these sites (search State of Rhode Island, State of Maine, town of Westfield, city of Worcester, etc.)



New Hampshire:

Westfield, Massachusetts:

South Hadley, Massachusetts:

If you have trouble locating information on a town's website, use a Google site search to locate documents on the website. In Google type the following:

Search terms the word "site" followed by a colon the domain for the city/town/state

wetlands site:

Search all state and federal websites using