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Weeding the Collection

A description and explanation of the Library's ongoing weeding program

Weeding project rationale

Faculty Review

As subject librarians complete the weeding review process, title lists will be generated that include only those titles identified as weeding candidates. These title lists, organized by subject, will be shared with departmental faculty members who will have the chance to review the lists and suggest any changes.

Faculty will have four weeks to review the title lists and make recommendations via their library liaisons or directly to their relevant subject librarians. All recommendations will be forwarded to Becca Brody, Collection Strategy Librarian, who will adjust the lists as needed. Any faculty member wishing to physically examine items should contact the Library Director.

It is important to note that while we will do our best to accommodate faculty requests and recommendations, the final decision regarding the retention of items rests with Ely Library.


After the Review

Ely Library will make weeded materials available to other institutions of public higher education in Massachussetts. All weeded materials will then be removed from the collection, and any titles requested by other institutions will be sent to them.