Individual titles:
The SAGE Handbook of International Social Work
A comprehensive full-text collection of reference resources such as subject-focused encyclopedias and dictionaries, available in a single database. Subject areas include: Arts, Biography, Business, Environment, History, Literature, Medicine, Multicultural Studies, Nation and World, Science, and Social Science.
A digital reference library that provides information from more than 600 high-quality reference books from the world's leading publishers. Credo Reference includes reference resources such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri, and books of quotations, plus numerous subject-specific titles covering everything from the arts to accountancy and law to literature.
Encyclopedia of Social Work
(REF HV12 .E53 2008)
Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare
(REF HV40 .C53 2008)
Social Workers’ Desk Reference
(REF HV40 .S6464 2009)
These titles are located on the first floor of the Ely Library in the Reference Collection.