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Library Linking and Authentication Help Guide 2024

Ely Library updated its authentication server at the end of 2023. These tips will can help Faculty/Staff navigate the changes.

Significant Database Name Changes (Spring 2024)

The following databases have undergone significant name changes, and has been updated on the library's AZ list.

The old names will remain on the library's AZ list as an "alternate name" to help reduce potential for confusion.

  • Banking Information Source changed to: Accounting, Tax, & Banking Collection
  • Business and Theory changed to: Economics & Theory
  • PILOTS (Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress) changed to: PTSDPubs
  • ProQuest European Business changed to: ProQuest Asian and European Business Collection
  • ProQuest Family Health changed to: ProQuest Consumer Health Collection
  • ProQuest Health Management changed to: ProQuest Healthcare Administration
  • ProQuest Psychology Journals changed to: ProQuest Psychology
  • ProQuest Science Journals changed to: ProQuest Science
  • Snapshot Series changed to: Business Market Research Collection
  • OCLC WorldCat™  Database changed to: OCLC FirstSearch

Combined Databases

ProQuest National Newspapers Premier AND ProQuest Newsstand have been combined into one product by ProQuest.

These combined databases are now called: ProQuest U.S. Newsstream