Scholarship as a Conversation
Think/pair/share as an introductory activity. Have students think about and develop questions they would have to ask to determine a claim’s [e.g. health related, a new classroom practice, carbon offsetting] validity.
Have students track the scholarly conversation that follows a landmark study or article. Students discuss what follow-up studies confirmed or denied the original results, and which tangents were followed by other researchers.
Collectively track a citation through its lifecycle: use citation trackers and metrics to see how frequently a source has been cited since its publication.
Relatedly, ask your students to research how citation metrics are created -- what kind of information do they prioritize and rank?
Examine a model literature review together: Identify the search query, sources, and points of view presented.
Have students read an article of interest. Show them the letter/feedback section of the journal in which the article was published. Have them write a 3 minute low stakes reflection about this experience.