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Campus Academic Master Planning website

CAMP - Campus Academic Master Plan

This site contains documents and information related to the Westfield State University Campus Academic Master Plan development.

Committee Membership

Nicholas Aieta, Professor and Chair, History and Philosophy Department; Co-Chair
Brian Jennings, Associate Provost, Academic Affairs; Co-Chair

  • Dr. Leonardo Andrade, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
  • Dr. Jennifer Hixon, Professor and Chair, Department of Health Sciences (Sabbatical Spring ‘24)
  • Prof. Leah Nielsen, M.F.A., Associate Professor, Department of English
  • Dr. Daniel Price, Professor and Chair, Department of Criminal Justice
  • Dr. Kim Sherman, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Management and Marketing
  • Dr. Shannon Gleason, Assistant Professor, Department of Education (replaces Hixon, S ‘24)
  • Dr. Kathryn Weglarz, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology
  • Kaolin Westcott, ‘24, Management Major, VP for Finance, Student Government
  • Sarah Harrington, ‘25, Elementary Education Major, VP for Academic Life, Student Government
  • Dr. Ziblim Abukari, Associate Dean, School of Health, Natural Sciences, and Human Services
  • Dr. Sabine Klein, Associate Dean, School of Education, Art, Communication, and Humanities
  • Dr. Rebecca Morris, Associate Dean, School of Business, Mathematics, Computing, and Sustainability

Working Documents